Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today we get organized to move the boat. We have been at the Yacht club for 3 weeks and have got an amazing amount of things done to Sunday. Now we move closer to Downtown and the Yoga Studio. Less luxury more yoga. We both are under lots of pressure.
Here we go!

Monday, May 30, 2011

just another day

Another day of working on the boat, in the sunshine then a Bikrams class... :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011


So I was called out in Yoga class as "The American" yesterday. It offended me and I'm wondering why....
It's true I was born in the US and Lived there 45 and 1/2 years. I'm sure I have an accent and look American (whatever that means) maybe even act a little american. But, my point in leaving that behind was to broaden my understanding of the world, and in that pursuit be embraced by whatever culture or country I am in at the time. Is that possible? I guess I would prefer to be called  just a visitor or just not called out at all.

Friday, May 27, 2011

this is a rant...

I never really thought about all the paperwork involved with living in a new country. It's difficult enough to A. pay for a move and B. choose a place to live. Those two things are massive! Then you have to get (and pay for and have the knowledge of how to get)permission from your host country to stay. Keep in mind I am not allowed to work while I'm here.
So after saying this we spent the whole day yesterday trying to register the boat in Queensland, but we needed a Queensland drivers license, which required a permanent address and so on and so on.... ahhhh!
We finally got it but frustration!!!!
Anyway I only say all this to remind myself and others, it's not as easy as a plane ticket and a dream, but it is achievable:)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

good morning

I'm up and going this morning, thanks to the sunshine. I'm so lucky to sleep in a V birth on a sailboat(big smile) where the morning sun tickles me awake every day. As I walked up the dock past all the sailboats proudly rocking and bowing in the wind, I thought how lovely my life is right now. I feel very organic and in touch with nature and therefore more in tune with myself.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

a week on the water

Up and at em early this morning. We have a big day!!! We get a refrigerator today:)
We've now been on the boat for more than a week. Living in a space smaller than a dorm room.Sleeping in the V birth. We LOVE it! Lucas is busy installing a septic, getting AC power, putting in gadgets for sailing, and I continue my yoga journey. Life is good.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sticking with what works

I've been doing so much Bikrams since we landed in Brisbane. It's so nice to have something fimilar and consistent to count on. As always the physical activity helps me think better and make better decisions to boot!
I am looking forward to finding out if I am approved for teacher training this week. If so I start in LA September 18th

Thursday, May 19, 2011

next update

While the Mac was in the shop a few new events have taken place. I'll try to fill in the blanks a little at a time.
Lucas and I have been boat shopping since we arrived in Brisbane, about 3 weeks. Talk about stress. People are way to greedy when it comes to there toys. Anyhow, after almost giving up we found SUNDAY! She's beautiful. A 34 foot Citation with a canoe style bow. We plan to live onboard and sail to wherever our adventures take us in the future. It's nice to just have limited space to accumulate stuff and to have a movable home. I'm so happy with our choice, and it's so wonderful to have a partner who loves the same things.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

time out

I had a little technical difficulty with the computer. It was an education though. First of all I had to figure out how to get a Mac fixed in another country. Thank the Universe for the Genius bar, I say! So booked an appointment and headed off to the local mall. OMG! The mall was HUGE! I've never seen anything like it. They also think they're smart by trying to confuse you with no maps or directions, so needless to say we were late for the appointment. Crazy busy at the Apple store(note to self, buy more stock in Apple). So bad news they have to send my baby in for repairs.... good news it's free. So about a week later I'm back better than ever. Love the Ipad, but it cant take the place of my macbook:)